Elisha Wiesel
Risk Management

Elisha is a Founding Partner and the Chief Risk Officer at ClearAlpha® Technologies. Elisha is accountable for designing and calibrating ClearAlpha®'s risk management architecture and will be co-running the Niche Plus fund with Brian. Prior to ClearAlpha®, Elisha innovated in the fields of software, markets, and risk management throughout a twenty-five-year career at Goldman Sachs. He structured, coded, priced and marketed new financial products in the Commodities business, where he also built the first real-time risk engine and counterparty credit pricing platforms in the Securities Division. He led the team tasked with modeling the residential mortgage complex during the financial crisis, and rolled out division-wide liquidity and capital models that drove risk flows in the subsequent years.

Elisha was the Chief Risk Officer of the Securities Division at Goldman Sachs, the Chair of the Securities Division Risk Committee and co-chair of Goldman Sachs’ Firmwide Technology Risk Committee. Elisha was also a standing member of the Business Planning, Enterprise Risk, Finance, Firmwide Risk, and Securities Division Executive Committees.  Subsequently, Elisha became the Chief Information Officer at Goldman Sachs and set strategic direction for over 9,000 Engineers. Elisha holds a Computer Science degree from Yale University.

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